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Encouraged, but not required. Character building can take 10-15 minutes, and characters do not need to worry about duplicate roles.
Each Player will need two six-sided dice (d6s)
Really simple and straightforward. You make a character, roll a die to determine what junked spaceship you find, and start exploring! Hazards are everywhere, and you have to keep track of your oxygen and inventory, but each time you have a successful journey, you get to improve your ship and resources. Good luck space cowboy
Sessions can be an hour or longer, though you're encouraged to play until you finish scavenging the ship.
1-2 players maximum.
Dead Belt is a game where you are a space scavenger looking to make an "honest" living and pay off your debt (it's a capitalist society, of course everyone starts in debt). Think of space faring shows like Firefly, or movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey, or Alien.
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